Breathing Through Grief
One thing people are most often surprised to hear is that grief can cause physical symptoms. It’s not uncommon in grief to have physical aches and pains, fatigue, or experience changes in appetite and sleep due to grief.
Research has shown that deep breathing exercises can reduce stress, anxiety and improve our overall health. In addition, for those grieving, regular deep breathing can help reduce tension in the body and help ground us in the present moment.
How to breathe through grief:
- Find a comfortable & quiet space where you can relax.
- Close your eyes and imagine your lungs as a ball – expanding and contracting.
- Slowly take a deep breath in for 4 seconds.
- Slowly exhale for 4 seconds.
- Repeat 4 times.
- When you’re ready, open your eyes. Take a minute to notice what’s changed in your body. For example, has your heartbeat slowed, have your shoulders softened, or has your breath continued at a slow regular pace?
You can do these breathing exercises anywhere, and anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed with grief.
For additional grief support, please contact The Community Healthcare of Texas Grief Care Services team at (800)958-5014 or Our grief Care Program is available, at no charge, to anyone in the community who enters the journey of healing and transition after the death of a loved one. Visit our online calendar for a complete list of upcoming grief support events